How to Prepare for a Roof Installation Project
So, you’ve finally decided that it’s time to replace your roof. As a property owner, you may be feeling confusion, stress and excitement in equal measure. A new roof can boost the appeal, energy efficiency and durability of your building, reducing costs and attracting interest. But it can also seem like an extensive process that will disrupt your family, tenants or clients for an uncertain amount of time.
At WestBank Roofing, we are here to help dispel your confusion, allowing you to go into your roof replacement feeling informed and confident. While project preparation and planning can take some time, the actual roof installation only takes a couple of days, minimizing disruptions. Additionally, as a property owner, there are things you can do to help keep the process moving smoothly, including preparing yourself and any other residents, as well as your building and the surrounding area, in advance.
How to Prepare Your Property Before Your Roof Installation
Preparing your property is one of the most important things you can do before a roof installation. Not only does it help to ensure that contractors have the room they need to work, but it also serves to protect your building and the objects in it. Some of the most common things you can do in advance include:
Protect any indoor and outdoor objects
- Move your vehicle(s). Materials, garbage bins, the roofers’ trucks and other supplies will likely be in or around the driveway or parking lot, and you don’t want your car to be blocked in or damaged.
- Store anything surrounding your building, or move it a safe distance away. Furniture, potted plants and other decorations could all be damaged during the roof replacement.
- Consider taking down and storing any fragile objects inside your building. Mirrors, framed photos, hanging planters, paraphernalia on shelves or ledges, and other decorative items may be at risk of falling as contractors work on your roof. Additionally, if you’re worried about items like wine glasses, tea sets or china plates, you can always carefully box them up for the duration of the roof installation.
- Cover items in the attic. While the roof decking—the flat wooden boards roofing materials are installed on top of—will likely be kept in place, dust and debris may still fall onto anything stored in your attic space. If you’re concerned about things breaking, consider moving them to the ground floor.
Look for anything which may get in the way of roofing contractors while they work
- Trim any branches hanging close to your roof. These may serve as obstacles for roofing contractors, or scratch them while they work.
- Warn contractors about any power lines hanging close to the roof so that they can prepare and avoid damaging the lines during construction.
- Remove any obstructions on the roof itself. If you have any solar panels, satellite dishes or similar objects on your roof, call your provider or whoever installed them in order to get them removed until the replacement is complete.
Prepare your yard or patio
- If you have a grass lawn, consider mowing it before work begins in order to make it easier to see any fallen debris. You can also place tarps over the exterior of your property as an additional measure of protection.
- Similarly, cover pools or ponds to protect them from debris. Make sure contractors know where these areas are so they don’t step in the wrong place and fall in.
If you aren’t sure what all needs to be done in order to prepare your property, feel free to reach out to your roofing contractor and ask. They will likely be able to give you a good idea of what may be affected or impede their ability to work. Roofing contractors may even do part of the work for you, like placing tarps over your outdoor space. However, protecting any objects in or outside of your property will likely be up to you, so make sure you move or store anything breakable before construction begins.
What to Expect During Construction
Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner, know that your roof replacement will be loud and disruptive. While there is no getting around this, the good news is that it should be a short project, so your day-to-day life won’t be affected for too long. Nonetheless, it’s important to prepare anyone who lives or works in or nearby the building in order to keep everyone safe and informed. Some things to consider include:
Children and pets
While adults and older kids may be able to handle the noise and vibrations of a roof replacement, younger kids and pets will likely be irritated and stressed. Consider having any young children and pets stay at a relative’s house, or moving the entire family. The noise of construction may keep you and any older children from getting work done, and leaving to go to school or work may be difficult if construction is being completed on a weekday.
Fallen debris
Debris can be dangerous, whether it’s falling from the roof or scattered on the ground, and you don’t want anyone to get hurt. If you are a business owner, you will need to shut down during construction in order to keep customers safe. And if you are a residential property owner and you decide to stay, make sure to keep everyone inside until work is done and debris has been cleaned up.
Let neighbors or surrounding businesses know in advance so they can prepare for the noise that comes with construction.
Contact WestBank Roofing and Start Your Roof Installation Process Today
Roof installations can be loud and irritating, but by preparing ahead of time, you can mitigate any detrimental effects to your property, family, customers or work. Thankfully, the installation itself is often short, so construction and cleanup shouldn’t take more than a couple of days.
At WestBank Roofing, we have faithfully served our community and kept residents and commercial property owners safe and secure for over 50 years. Our team utilizes their extensive knowledge to not only execute roofing services with speed and precision, but also to ensure that our customers are confident, informed and stress-free. So if you’re unsure of what needs to be done in order to prepare your property , or if you want more information about the installation process, give us a call or send us a message today. Our team will be happy to help.